"I'm here. Almost"

Written by Gary Taylor

Jack was home by himself.  My key unlocked the front door and, before I was completely inside, I made my presence known: "Jack, I'm here." 

Now let me describe a different scenario - those times when Beth, Jack and Calleigh all three are home.  As I walk through the door, Calleigh is often the first to greet me with a big hug.  But it's a one-way hug; I am unable to hug her back because my arms are full - a satchel of books, my gym bag, keys and cell phone in hand.

Centering Prayer is a Spiritual Exercise I mentioned in last Sunday's message. 

For me, Centering Prayer is kinda like gently saying, "God, I'm here."  

At other times, I need Centering Prayer because I'm not quite "here," if ya know what I mean.  Yes, I may have walked through the door, so to speak - my head bowed and my Bible open, but my mind wanders.  Ever had times like that?  It's like you need to set a few things down, to let go of the work of the day.  As I direct my thoughts to God through Centering Prayer, I'm letting stuff fall to the floor.  I'm preparing to receive his embrace.  And embracing him in return.

You may already know this, but I'll state it just to be clear: Centering Prayer is not the point; this prayer is meant to transform us in ways that we can better love God and serve our city.  Don't value the quality of your time spent in Centering Prayer by how well you stayed focused.  The real fruit of Centering Prayer is revealed through your ordinary life lived in this great city of ours.  

  • Are you running less?  
  • Are you more patient with others and more at ease with yourself?  
  • Are you shouting less at the kids, or at least less loudly?  
  • Are you scrambling and grasping less, while resting and trusting more?  
  • Are you more fully present to the people in your life?

We are Jonah.  We are responsible for our city.  Unfortunately, we are also runners like Jonah.

If you walked into your house knowing God was there, by what Name of his would you call him?  Perhaps that is your word to use for Centering Prayer.  As God draws near, what do you need to let fall from your grasp?

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