8.22.21 | Jesus Is... "The RESURRECTION" | Tim Perkins

8.8.21 | Jesus Is... "The Door" | Tim Perkins

7.25.21 | Jesus Is... THE GOOD TEACHER | TIM PERKINS

7.11.21 | Jesus Is... Gracious! | Troy Hartman

6.27.21 | Jesus Is - "The way, the truth, and the life." | Richard Rock

6.13.21 | Jesus Is... Coming Again | Tim Perkins

5.30.21 | Jesus Is... POWERFUL | Michael Corral

8.15.21 | Jesus Is... "The LAMB" | Tim Perkins

8.1.21 | Jesus Is... The Vine | Benjamin JOSEPH

7.18.21 | Jesus Is... GOD | TIM PERKINS

7.4.21 | Jesus Is... The Light of the World | Michael Corral

6.20.21 | Jesus Is... The Good Shepherd | Tim Perkins

6.6.21 | Jesus Is - "My Friend" | Tim Perkins

5.16.21 | Jesus Is - "The Miracle Worker" | Tim Perkins